M Y S E L F, M Y - O T H E R S
Coming from inner shadows, and transforming to brightening discoveries, while passing through people’s moments.
Searching for mirrored-selves.
Recognising the pain, not to hurt, but to make your consciousness remember that you are alive.
Coming from inner shadows, and transforming to brightening discoveries, while passing through people’s moments.
Searching for mirrored-selves.
Recognising the pain, not to hurt, but to make your consciousness remember that you are alive.
(extracts from the book)
The booklet was photographed and designed by me. Edited by Yoshihiko Ueda.

The project was later selected for a solo exhibition where the photos were printed in big formats, 2018
The project was later selected for a solo exhibition where the photos were printed in big formats, 2018

This work was developed for the Photography course as a Master degree exchange at Tama Art University.
Please send an inquire to ola@babibrasileiro.com if you are interested in seeing the full book or buying a copy of it.
Please send an inquire to ola@babibrasileiro.com if you are interested in seeing the full book or buying a copy of it.
January 2017
Art direction, Editorial design, Graphic design, Print design, Photography
Art direction, Editorial design, Graphic design, Print design, Photography