I N F O R M A T I O N  D E S I G N
Selection of infographic works, from editorials to posters.
M A D E  I N ______
A typical breakfast table is made of ingredients that travel the world before being consumed. 
Exploring the topic of ‘migration’, this work highlights the geographical complexity of consumers’ transactions and our unawareness about it. 
This work was developed for the Information Design course, part of Aalto Art University’s Master Program
December 2015
Article for Superinteressante magazine that describes the path of the wig market, from in India until fancy hair salons in developed countries. 
Photo by Julia Rodrigues.
November 2013
D A T A  B A S E 
Series of infographics “Banco de dados” (in English ‘Data Base’) for Superinteressante magazine, which present data and numbers in a original visual display. 
November 2013
Art direction, Editorial design, Infographic, Print design